Sunday, February 27, 2011

John Shelton Howard

John Shelton Howard was the first Bishop of Shelton Ward (Bingham Stake), Bonneville county, Idaho, was born March 9, 1854, in Birmington, England, the son of Joseph Howard and Ann Shelton. He was baptized by his father in May, 1864, and emigrated with his parents to America in 1864, crossing the Atlantic in the ship "Hudson" which sailed from London, England, June 3, 1864. After traveling by railroad and river steamer to the frontiers he left Wyoming, Nebraska, August 2, 1864, and crossed the plains in Capt. William Hyde's ox train which arrived in Salt Lake City October 26, 1864. In 1887-1889 he labored as a missionary in England, principally in the Sheffield and later the Birmingham conference. After residing a number of years in Bountiful, Davis county, Utah, he became a permanent settler in the part of the great Snake River valley which is now including Shelton Ward in 1889. Brother Howard was ordained an Elder when quite young and subsequently ordained a Seventy by John L. Leavitt. He was ordained a high Priest and Bishop August 19,1892, by John Henry Smith and set apart to preside over the Shelton Ward, which was organized at the time and named in his home (Shelton being one of his given names). While a resident of South Bountiful he acted as president of the Ward Y.M.M.I.A. and during his long and useful career in the Church he has filled many important positions, both of an ecclesiastical and secular nature. In 1876 (September 11) he married Josephine Johnson (daughter of John Johnson and Louisa Svendsen), who was born February 4, 1860, in Copenhagen, Denmark. In 1884 (March 27) he married Sarah Ann Downs (daughter of John Downs and Mary Cowley) who was born March 4, 1866, at Browsby, Derbyshire, England, and emigrated to Utah in 1883. She is the mother of elven children, namely Albert C, John H, Ella M, Sarah Olive, Joseph William, Franklin D, Walter L, James P, Carrie M, Doris and Glenn E. Bishop Howard is a farmer and carpenter by occupation.

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